Monday, November 1, 2010

It's Monday....what do I see?

Halloween!!!! How could I not post kids in costumes?
J's school had a Halloween parade and the kids made the costumes. It's so fun!
J's class were scarecrows and witches. My son would not paint his nose black, but he did wear his hat for the whole parade! What an accomplishment for him. I still wonder how he is my child sometimes. When I was 4 years old--everyday was dress up. I would be a nurse one day, a princess another. We had a costume box in our playroom. Perhaps that's where I went wrong. I don't have the costume box. Must. Get. Costume. Box.

And of course on Sunday we went trick or treating with one of J's best friend from school. Oh my gosh did J have a blast. They had as much fun giving out candy as they did receiving it.
And L. L did have a costume. I promise you. He was a french painter with a beret and a little mustache which lasted all of 30 seconds. I didn't even get a picture. Oh well.
He was running up and down the sidewalk laughing so hard at everything. He worked this Halloween so hard that he slept until 8:15 AM the following morning. Perhaps I should take him trick or treating every night!

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